AWS Cloud Developer Kit Presentation
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Building and deploying cloud infrastructure can be a little over whelming, ensuring that the infrastructure can be automated to be reliably redeployed is an additional level of complexity. As Infrastructure as Code (IaC) becomes more popular we are seeing some pretty exciting advancements in this field, one in particular is Cloud Development Kits (CDK). Lets take a some time to talk about IaC and what CDK means in uniting developers with managing their infrastructure.
- Infrastructure as Code
- Terraform
- CloudFormation
- Why CDK
- Imperative vs Declarative
- The Missing Link (Abstraction)
- Increased Agility
- AWS CDK Key Concepts
- Constructs
- Stacks
- Synthesis
- Aspects
- Writing Our First Construct
- Extending the CDK Construct Class
- Testing our Construct
Additional Resources
Cloud Development Kit With Elad Ben-Israel part 1
Cloud Development Kit With Elad Ben-Israel part 2
Authored By
Name: Hasan Abu-Rayyan